Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hello there!

This is the first of a weekly blog that I have decided to write to help husbands who's world has recently been turned up-side-down with the news that their wife has been diagnosed with cancer or continue to deal with it.

My journey with my wife's breast cancer started almost two years ago this December and I have been stretched emotionally more than I ever thought possible. But at the same time, grown so much personally.

I was really grasping for straws those first few months after Cindy's diagnosis so I began reaching out to every husband I new that had helped their wife get through all sorts of different cancers. As I did this I noticed their were common emotions, relationship issues, family matters and growing opportunities that they all faced that really helped me to create my own plan of action. Their experiences, coupled with my own, led me to self publish a book titled "Your wife has cancer! Now what?".

I recently self-published the book through Xlibris and I'm glad to report it was picked up by a new publishing company called Familius who will re-publish it and help me market it. My intention is to make it available to as many cancer specialists as possible so it can be given to the couples that will become their patients.

I will publish valuable excerpts from the book, inspirational stories from others as well as the ongoing experiences I deal with as my wife lives as a "cancer survivor".

I encourage you to share this blog with those that might be dealing with this so we can share information and help each other get through such difficult times.

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